Guitar Lesson Two  Developing rhythms – introducing half notes and quarter notes

Developing rhythmic rock guitar playing (using whole notes, half notes and quarter notes)

Now that we understand whole notes, half notes and quarter notes, let us put them all together in a series of exercises that helps us develop our ability to play rhythmically; and also enables us to practise changing chords smoothly.

Now try the following examples, combining all the note lengths we have learned so far with both chords.

It may be useful to tap or clap the rhythms prior to attempting the chord changes which accompany the various rhythms. The first two examples have the count written underneath to help at the beginning. Thereafter, you need to be able to read the music yourself.

Listen and play along to each of the following examples. This series of exercises will help you become comfortable with your chords and increase the fluency with which you play them. Use the multimedia files as always.

Exercise 4

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Exercise 5

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Exercise 6

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Exercise 7

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Exercise 8

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Exercise 9

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Exercise 10

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